Saturday, 23 July 2011

Today's Needed Advice......

Nitur Mansoor Ali MA, B.Ed., in their school's top Islamic Councellor (Islamic Studies) teacher and student welfare advisor, coach and worked in human resource development. Mansoor Ali, The Garden Academy (The Garden Academy) has a Human Resources Development Institute. And academic institutions have accepted the invitations, to high school and college students, human resource mempattup (Human Resource Development) is providing training.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Hajj on behalf of the Tamil State Haj Committee meeting to explain the practice.

Cuddalore, Villupuram district of Tamil on behalf of the State Haj Committee, Haj practice for the Vilas Valli Cuddalore on Tuesday to explain the wedding hall meeting took place on 19.07.2011.
Cuddalore district chief, Muhammad Yunus led United to show jamaa
District secretary of the Jamaat leader Abdul Rauf kamaluttin jamaa Secretaries of the city were welcomed Abdul vahap eme Pathuttin, deputy secretary of the leading rapik muhammtu Muhammad Ismail.

Sapikurrahman mavlana commander Hajj and umra mavlana sarputtin cirappupparri of these addressed.

On behalf of the State Haj Committee, Haj Muhammad Ibrahim Tamil pajlurrahman services and travel information about Hajj and umra uraiyarrinarkal payircciyalittu. From the districts of Cuddalore, 359 Haji from viluppram  Participated in ithe meet .

Cuddalore, July 20

Cuddalore, Villupuram district of Tamil on behalf of the State Haj Committee, Haj practice for the Vilas Valli Cuddalore on Tuesday to explain the wedding hall meeting took place on 19.07.2011.
Cuddalore district chief, Muhammad Yunus led United to show jamaa
District secretary of the Jamaat leader Abdul Rauf kamaluttin jamaa Secretaries of the city were welcomed Abdul vahap eme Pathuttin, deputy secretary of the leading rapik muhammtu Muhammad Ismail.

Sapikurrahman mavlana commander Hajj and umra mavlana sarputtin cirappupparri of these addressed.

On behalf of the State Haj Committee, Haj Muhammad Ibrahim Tamil pajlurrahman services and travel information about Hajj and umra uraiyarrinarkal payircciyalittu. From the districts of Cuddalore, 359 Haji from viluppram Participated in ithe meet.

Cuddalore in Cuddalore District, the Jamaat organized the event on behalf of the Jamaat

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Abdul Rauf arrested in prostitution case lie ! Mayiladuthurai Strike by all Islamic movements!

Nitur - Abdul Rauf Mayiladuthurai neyvacalai of the textile center in the Mansur Kylie company.Muslim women in a town in Region 4 Mayiladuthurai circuit in a house of prostitution, and repeatedly denounced the avvitattirku heard. Abdul Rauf Mayiladuthurai on prostitution gang just can not accept his admonition at the police station has filed a complaint. On the basis of this complaint, broken locks on the inside of the store at midnight Rauf nalaiya kantikkappattu ettanitta police detained by the social movement has stopped.

Unrelated to this event just rely on the BJP-RSS in Mayiladuthurai palaviyaparikal 100 people gathered against the Muslims (tulukkarkal Down! That) kosamittu sought to carry out attacks. A Muslim elder was hit in the attack admitted in Government General Hospital.

Abdul Rauf Police Department sued over 4 sections lie has taken him to Central Prison, Trichy. 6 Muslim brothers, with Abdul Rauf have been arrested.

7 arrested in Mayiladuthurai aptulravupai lawyers tried to get permission to do so easily. Talaiyittatumtan kamisn able to meet with human rights.

Abdul had beaten kayavalikal ravupai police. Wound to the judge to immediately contact the appropriate resource.

In the meantime, the neighborhood tamumu of Mayiladuthurai, TNTJ, all Islamist movements, including the Regional Federation of Jamaat's youth, the leaders of about 500 people today (01-07-2011) jumavirkup when the police have been involved in peace calaimariyal had gathered in Mayiladuthurai.
R. attacked Muslim adult. S.. S. arrest must be vacated immediately.
Functioned as a support leg against Muslim women police stations and the immediate task of the analyst should be suspended.
Aptulravup and other Muslim brothers who were arrested have been released.

If you satisfy all the demands of gathering large amounts of Jamaat Mayiladuthurai neighborhood to conduct a struggle on behalf of all Islamic movements .

Making requests on behalf of organizations such as the police officials, who promised to bring the action.

Some of the police work on the surface of various insults, Abdul Rauf, Abdul Rauf pram fruit viyaparikalum continue to shop around. In the context of Muslims in Mayiladuthurai peratara credible reports that the owner of the jewelry. The decision by the Jamaat urjitaman pakiskari immediately relevant information should take the jewelry.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Inauguration of the new mosque - Mathukkur

Dear Brothers,

Assalamu alaikum varah ...

01 August 2010 Sunday morning at 9 o'clock  InshaAllah in Thanjavur district.


The Significance of Shabe Baraat
This night is called Shabe-Baraat ( the night of freedom ) because Allah frees all His sinful servants who were destined for Jahannam.

The Quraan has called it a blessed night.

Nabi has said in a Hadith regarding this month. "Shabaan is my month and Ramadhaan is the month of Allah ."

This month is an introduction to Ramadhaan, like Shawwal hail the end of Ramadhaan.

Allah Ta'ala 's mercy decends during this night

During this night, beginning at sunset Allah Ta'ala 's special attention descends upon the first sky. He proclaims

"Is there anyone seeking forgiveness, that I may pardon him?

Is there anyone requesting sustenance that I may provide for him?

Is there anyone afflicted with difficulty (so that he may ask for assistance) that I may help him?

Is there anyone with any other need?

Allah Ta'ala showers His mercy the entire night up until Subah Saadiq (early morning - dawn).

Nabi was so mindful of Sha'baan that he did not give the sighting of the moon of any other

month such thought.

It is also a speciality of this month, that all deeds done during the year shall be presented before Allah Ta'ala in this month.

Nabi stated that the month of Sha'baan which is between Rajab and Ramadhaan, is such a month that the people are negligent of its blessedness. It is during this month that the actions of the servants are presented before Allah Ta'ala .Therefore Nabi loved that his deeds be presented while he was fasting.

During the 15th of Sha'baan Allah Ta'ala shows special attention to all His servants, he pardons those who seek forgiveness and He showers mercy on those who show mercy to others as for those who grudge and have enmity for others, Allah Ta'ala leaves them that very same condition.

It is mentioned by Nabi that the remainder of a person's life in the coming year and his sustenance and whoever shall be afforded the opportunity to perform Hajj (Pilgrimage) shall be written on this night.

During this night, the names of the souls of all those who are born and of all those who are to depart from this world. Furthermore during this night one's actions are raised and sustenance sent down.

Nabi has prohibited one from fasting after the 15th of Sha'abaan. This prohibition does not cause the fast to become Haraam. The reason for prohibiting fasting after the 15th of Sha'baan is for one to gain strength for Ramadhaan.

It has been proven, from authentic sources, that the noble Sahaba and the Taabi'een used to remain awake during the entire night and practice upon the Sunnat Aamals. Our noble predecessors also used to honor this night and prepare for well in advance.

Committing sins during this night deprives a person of its blessings.

As the reward of a virtue increases respective to the time and place, so does the degree of sin. When during a significant time any amal is more virtuous so does the the evil and sin committed in that time be more abhorred. The law of place and time falls under the same category, e.g.. one may commit the same wrong in the Musjid and the degree of that sin shall increase. In the same manner this night is so blessed that committing a sin during this night shall be more severe.

Sunnat and Mustahab actions during the 15th of Sha'baan.
One should stay awake and perform Salaah, keep oneself busy with Zikr, recitation of the Holy Quraan and other worship. Do also recite the Masnoon Du'a of this night excessively. ( Dua on item no. 7 ).

To ask Allah Ta'ala for forgiveness, health, happiness and all our needs for this world and the Hereafter.

To busy onself with Ibaadat (worship) during the entire night of Shabe Baraat.

It is Mustahab (preferable) to fast on the 15th of Sha'baan. Our predecessors did so too.

one should visit the Qabarastaan (graveyard) and make Du'a and seek forgiveness on behalf of the deceased.

It is stated in a Hadeeth that Nabi said "One who performs Esha salaat with Jamaat and Fajr Salaah with Jamaat, Allah Ta'ala will grant him the reward of staying the night." There are glad tidings for the weak and those engaged in business, that if they are not able to stay awake the entire night, they should try to remain awake as much as possible and to perform Fajr and Esha Salaatwith Jamaat, so that they may not be completely deprived of the blessings of this night.

Hazrat Ayesh Sidiqaha Radiallhu Anha say, " I heard Nabi reciting the following Du'a whilst prostating in Nafl Salaah:"

I seek protection in Your forgiveness from Your Wrath, and seek shelter in Your pleasure from Your displeasure, and I seek safety with You from You, I cannot praise You as You are deserving and You are worthy of praise as You have praised Yourself.

Nabi repeated this dua continuously in Sajdah. This Du'a was taught to the Ummat by our beloved Nabi .

The following sins are so severe that due to them one would be deprived of the blessings of this great night:
To associate any partners to Allah Ta'ala , regarding His Being and Qualities.

To have enmity for one's fellow brothers.

Not fulfilling the rights of our close relatives and treating them unkindly.

To allow the trousers and pants to hang below the ankles.

To be disobedient to the parents.

To drink wine.

To oppress and take bribes

To be involved in witchcraft.

To inform people of the unseen or to cast spells and be involved in fortune telling.

To read the palms in order to tell the future.

To play the guitar, drum or any other musical instrument.

To play any game that requires the use of dice.

After writing the virtues and blessings of this month, regretfully, we will have to include that due to the evil nature of our actions, we have converted all our actions to punishment and our blessings into worldly and hereafter losses. The Muslims were once those who used to draw som good from bad, some virtues from stating away from evil and benefit benefit from troubles we encounter today.As a consequence of the evil nature of our actions, the table have turned and we have lost out in all places of good and achieve loss in all places of benefit. May Allah Ta'ala grant all the Muslims the ability to practice good deeds and follow the Sunnah of our beloved Nabi .

And Allah Ta'ala is the only one who grants us the ability and divine assistance.

Our Saintly elders used to worship on the night of Shabe Baraat and fast the next day.

Who are we to find fault with these noble practices ?

Oh ALLAH we humbly beg of You, Your Forgiveness for any of our shortcomings and we beg of You, Your Divine Help and assistance, Aameen.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Juma prayer

Juma prayer
"As a Muslim, the ulu is a beautiful time. Nokkamuminri except the prayers going to the masjid. Then he will take his position in evvoru (taraja) increased that. A sin is destroyed. Tola if he angels," God! Puriva Q. He was on! He is mannippali Boyle!''Tua doing that. He will remain with it until ulu. Tolukaiyileye he is a perpetually waiting in expectation of prayers. (Sahihul Bukhari)

"Ever go to the masjid in the early morning or evening, he went varuvaro, perpetually returning to Allah, the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم cuvanat''in the house they build. (Sahihul Bukhari, sahih Muslim)

Greed is why we were in the shed with arulperra napittolarkal Jamaat.

They said about Abdullah Ibn masvutu رضي الله عنه:

"Whom kiyamat day Allah Muslim meet happiness erpatuttumo his prayers for the mode used in the பேணிக்கொள்ளட்டும். Then your Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم their positive steps மார்க்கமாக்கியுள்ளான். Prayers for the linear method is.''Then tankiyavan (munapik) his home, worship as your home tolut by Your Prophet's steps left. your Prophet's instructions If you valitavari aside. explicit munapik (nayavancakar) the jamaa prayer from the பின்தங்கிவிடுவார் that kantirukkirom. So let caktiyarra man, both tunaikontu call brought the prayer of the parade suspensions.''(sahih Muslim)

Ibn upai kaap رضي الله عنه said:

Ansari was one. I know of no other than his house is not far away from home and school. He will not miss any prayer jamaattai the Imam. To him, "If you buy a donkey harsh sun during the dark and hard to be vakanikka help,''he said kurappattapotu that:" I do not want my house to be near the Masjid. I returned to my family members come to the masjid every time I want to be recorded will be good step,''said evvoru. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم them, "(You want to water), adding that it all be arulpurivan Allah!''He said. (Sahih Muslim)

The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

"Surely Allah comes to them from far away on the massive narkuliyai ataipavar. Far better to get them to fit. Toluvatark the prayers with the Imam of the prayers tolutuvittu after parttiruppavar tunkiyavaraivita will become an enormous advantage. (Sahihul Bukhari)

Usman رضي الله عنه declares: I have to say they had heard the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم:

"Isha prayers at night, half standing vanankiyavarai ponravar executor with Jamaat. Pajru prayers the whole night standing in prayer with Jamaat ponravar vanankiyavarai.''(Sahih Muslim)

Apuhuraira رضي الله عنه declares: "Islam is nothing more difficult to cheat the pajru and isavaivita. Avvirant arivarkaleyan the benefits that will come to fulfill it to give it away''by the feet on the ground that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said. (Sahihul Bukhari)

The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

"Jamaat தனித்துத்தொழுவதைவிட 27 மடங்குமேலானதாகும் worship with.''(Sahihul Bukhari)

Thursday, 14 July 2011

On Ramadan Month 'Kanchi':To Masjid 3,801 ton Rice

Piety and fasting to prepare porridge for opening the school gates for the first allocation of 3.801 tons of rice ordered video.

The new Food and Consumer Protection Department, in particular the statement,

Adheres to the sacred piety to the preparation of starch per 150 g of rice per person per day, providing total access to the mosque, the principal leaders of the regime ordered all district.

Following the approval of the sacred mosque to the piety of the starch to produce the necessary permission to refresh the whole county government leaders aricikkuriya offer directly to the mosque.

3.801 tonnes of rice porridge preparation of the fasting month of piety and the Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation depots all over the country ready for the day to keep 29.7.2011, the Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Minister ordered kalakattirkum.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Arabic College arrahimiyya alim This year is 12th graduation ceremony

Arrahimiyya terilantur Arabic College 12 - This year alim graduation ceremony took place on 10/07/2011

Ramadan in preparation for homecoming, Sah 'Bon month before Ramadan, the Muslim community about what is replicated to the beverage in the majority, are in ignorance.

Sah 'Bon a month, as forgotten by our parents and close relatives because hpattiha oti, special Amal, tuvakkal and the benefits they can add (?) A matamakave the 15 th day, sap - a - paraat' named some Muslims widely drove coming .

Islam on the unstated such anaccarankal now somewhat reduced, however, still many a good effect, the beneficial thing considered, various cuisines, inippuvakaikal that cooked, reverential paravacat with kulumi from hpattiha oti, maranitta their relatives advantages pulse pirarttippat operate said.

Innovative process hatisilo kuranilo evidence of this. Of the Holy Quran and the Hadith fromLanguage Arabia. 'Sap - A - paraat' in 'sap' is the Arabic word 'night' in the Parsi word meaning. 'A' without a sound base of the Arabic language. Automatically creates a new procedure in ippatiyirukkai 'sap - A - paraat' smart Muslims in the name of the holy Ramadan, hajju perunal other special festivals such as the time added to the list. But the Prophet (PBUH), they launched a prophet by the way? Better enforcement? If so, will they accept? Get this benefit? Or maybe it's a pitiful punishment would kariyamaki? Think they need to make a mistake.

Whichever one I evappatata (markkak) good thing thing that will not be accepted by Allah that karutit ceyalpatukiraro Prophet (PBUH), he said. This mother Aisha (pbuh), they said. (Bukhari, Muslim).

This was a fear nanmaiyenrum hatise we assume that the Prophet (PBUH) kattittarata activities to generate new, add, or not executed because it makes people very clearly suggests that. Itaipponru in many Hadith the Prophet (PBUH) was given by them to implement a direct tataiyullataiyum we must meet together.

We seek to benefit, to benefit their relatives to pray, and he considered that development benefits, those who implement such a Prophet (PBUH), they do not think that we do not kattittar.

Definitely one of the three, except for death to end his Amal vantuvitukinrana all. Ammunravana:
He left a stable dharmas (iraiyillankal building, to the middle of trees, building wells, schools like to install)
His father, a beneficial education (with the goal of victory, he has taught educational irulaka)
Salihana the prayers of his children.

Ceruvatillai of death benefits to someone other than immunrai evvaliyilum. (Resource Books: Muslim. Abu Dawood, tirmiti, nasayi)

Ivvarirukka napiyavarkal paternal betrayal, deceased relatives on the night pattihakkal otin paraat கிட்டப்போவதில்லை no use if that is true. Besides, the Prophet (PBUH), they have to bear the sin of kattittarata a new algorithm for fear.

The Prophet (PBUH) and all other matankalaiyumvita - After Ramadan - sah 'Bon matattiltan norrullarkal higher fasting.

Sah previous month from the month of Ramadan, the sacred beverage by placing more emphasis napiyavarkal is held that an imposed பறைச்சாற்றுகின்றன we have the following Hadith:

"Wanted to keep the fasting month napiyavarkal sah 'panum the ramalanumakum it persists," said Aisha (pbuh), they say, he asked Abdullah ibn Guys (pbuh) mentions. (Aputavut, nasayi)

The Prophet (PBUH) said, 'known விடவேமாட்டார்களோ' enough to remember that we (sometimes) and fasting norpavarkal 'nonpirukka mattarkalo' norkatavarkal fasting and were enough to remember that. I know some other months except ramalanai napiyavarkal mulamai norra not sacred. In the days when fasting napiyavarkal sah 'Bana. Ayesha's (pbuh) said. (Source: pukari, Muslim).

Amal month increase:

Usamatipnu sait (pbuh) to napiyavarkal them, 'Allah's tutare! Sah 'pot like the other month you fasting norpatai I can not find' that said, napiyavarkal, "humans, Rajab, Ramadan and two months in Middle (sah 'Bon a) a month in the case of negligence, as well. It's kind of a month if akilattar the atipatiyakiya allahvinp by Hello offerings and increase the potential month. nonpali my Hello I will be worshiped in a position to be increased, "he said. (Source: nasayi, Ahmed).

The change sah 'Bon month, Crescent 15, only fasting norpatum the night three yasinkal otuvatum, bread and confectionery and camparani smoke with hpattiha otiya later that the other dishes served to get the Prophet (pbuh) and failed a' pitat 'automatic task.

Sent by Allah to teach us the pros Islam Prophet (PBUH), they did not teach us these things. Someone later that these people who also holds uruvakkiyavaitan. Advantages or our closest relatives, we want to do tua markkat not banned; tuva not do anything wrong. This, he must come to us regularly. As much, and after each prayer, the night tahajjut to tolukaikalilum. And the Prophet (pbuh) way kattittanta.

A day or a few days in the year, too allahvo Prophet (PBUH) as they have failed to implement such a result in any benefit that we should feel. Mutataiyorkal ceyvatalo our relatives, our long, without them we will be doing everything in our urarkal know that all this innovation polla, away from all this, to invite others to nervali sensor must withdraw them.

Awake at night in parts of India special, taspihkal prayers and men and women crowded into crowded public cemeteries at night tuva is the customs, the tradition, the Prophet (PBUH) said that they opposed women eccarittatarkum kapru jiyarattai kantittatarkum ippalakkattaiyum kaivitacceyya we muyalaventum sensor.

Fasting during Ramadan is to norkalakatu oriru days:

The Prophet (PBUH) said:

While the remaining two days of Ramadan month (sah 'beverage at the end) Do you norka fasting. (Monday, Thursday), usually norpavar than fasting, fasting norkalam in his day. (Announcer: Abu huraira (pbuh), the Resource Book: pukari)

Otutalum Quran is the same. MR's no chapter otinalum and every letter and ten advantages that realize that we regularly get the chance to play every high otivaraventum, and the Prophet (pbuh) and the tikrukal, tuakkal charity nahpilana greetings advantages Allah's blessings help obtain the following attempt the mountain - Hereafter verriyaippera muyalaventum.

This wonderful sah 'Bon wasting in pitatkal month, the apostle of Allah for all of us to win kattittanta nallarul irulakilum morning on the way to be pursued.